Kalinina A. Estimation of strategic potential of the region.
strategic potential, an estimation of compound potential, competitiveness of region, complex development, a coordination of opinions of experts.Abstract
The article proves that the management of the complex development of the region for achievement of its competitiveness should be focused on the increase of using the strategic potential of the region. It is possible to be achieved due to complete and timely estimation of the strategic potential of the region. The analysis of the methods of estimation of the strategic potential of the regions has shown the absence of the thorough approach which would consider all components of the strategic potential (both available and acquired). The scheme for the estimation of the strategic potential of the region on management and decision-making levels on the basis of applying a cumulative indicator of the strategic potential of the region is offered. The offered indicator is defined on each component of the strategic potential and is corrected by corresponding weight factors. The use of such indicator will allow defining the conformity of the strategic potential with the complex development of the region. Approbation of the offered scheme for the areas which have entered different clusters by the level of their competitiveness is performed: Zhitomir, Khmelnitskiy, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Cherkassk areas. By applying Kendel, Fridman and Spirman factors the verification of consistency of experts’ opinions who took part in an estimation is performed and the reliability of the received data is proved. The use of the offered scale of an estimation of the received results allows to analyze the received indicators of the cumulative strategic potential. The comparison of the obtained data with the offered scale of compliance of the strategic potential to the complex development of the region has allowed to draw a conclusion that the strategic potential of Dnepropetrovsk area (82,51) has the highest conformity and Khmelnitskiy area (27,14) has the lowest. The received results do not deny, and on the contrary confirm that there is a direct correlation of the competitiveness of the region and the results of its complex development on that how it uses the strategic potential.
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