Kovalenko A. Methodical approaches to determination of potential ecological modernization of the regions of Ukraine.


  • Андрій Олексійович Коваленко Державна установа «Інститут економіки природокористування та сталого розвитку Національної академії наук України», м. Київ, Ukraine




strategy, sustainable development, development of territories, ecological modernization, nature use economics.


Necessity of a comprehensive ecological modernization of all kinds of economic and other activities using appropriate scientific concept that provides development of appropriate methodological approaches to assess the potential of ecological modernization at different levels – particularly at the regional is noted. Indicate that methodical approaches to determining the potential and conditions for realization of ecological modernization of the national economy, industrial and social spheres at different levels of social development are not enough developed. Index of potential ecological modernization of regions is proposed calculate as integral indicator of opportunities socio-economic and resource and environmental development of separate territories for getting which uses number a priori indicators. Methodological approaches are determined and calculation index of potential ecological modernization of the regions of Ukraine is done that gave the opportunity to assess the existence of economic conditions for the modernization. Five groups of regions with sufficient, satisfactory, mediocre, limiting and   concerning the content of ecomodernization strategy for these groups are formulated. As a strategy of ecological modernization is recommended to stimulate the development of modern economic base and stabilize anthropogenic pressures for the first three groups of regions, the modernization of the economic base and environmental rehabilitation of territories – for the fourth group, the primary economic base restructuring and environmental rehabilitation of areas – for the fifth.


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  2. Герасимчук З. В. Фінансовий менеджмент : навч. посіб. / З. В. Герасимчук, І. М. Вахович; Луц. держ. техн. ун-т, Київ. нац. торг.-екон. ун-т. – 2-е вид, переробл. і доповн. – Луцьк : Надстир’я, 2007. – 412 c.



How to Cite

Коваленко, А. О. (2016). Kovalenko A. Methodical approaches to determination of potential ecological modernization of the regions of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 49–55. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.32.2016.105135


