Potapova N., Onishchenko V. Conditions of development of transport-forwarding services in Ukraine.


  • Наталія Миколаївна Потапова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Владислав Вікторович Оніщенко Азовський морський інститут м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




transport-forwarding services, export of a cargo transportation, transit transportations, structure of a cargo transportation, transport branch.


In article it is noticed that the transport branch is the major component is industrial-economic activities Ukraine which has all modern types of transport and adequate transport communications which answer needs of proof development of a national economy at the order. It is underlined that development of transport which is the major sphere of a social production, is directed on all-round satisfaction of needs of the population in transportations. Formation in Ukraine market relations has led to acceleration of development of the market of transport-forwarding services as changes in the geopolitical status of Ukraine have taken place and the foreign trade communications have considerably extended. In article the analysis of a current state and dynamics of freight traffic in Ukraine for definition of features and lacks of freight traffic inherent in domestic sector is carried out. The structure of a cargo transportation is considered by different types of transport which has allowed to note their greatest destiny throughout the investigated period. It is noticed that despite achievements in the field of transport transportations, the modern transport branch of Ukraine on many parametres does not answer increasing needs of a society and the European quality standards of granting of transport services and demands carrying out of the complex analysis of indicators of dynamics of its development for the purpose of definition of the basic directions of reforming and activity improvement. In article foreign trade activities of Ukraine by kinds of goods traffics in 2013-2015 Authors are analysed are underlined that from the point of view of world experience and modern lines of development of the global market of transport-forwarding services Ukraine is at a stage of formation and branch consolidation, considerably conceding to the western countries, both on quality, and on integrated approach of services which are given by the national transportno-logistical companies.


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How to Cite

Потапова, Н. М., & Оніщенко, В. В. (2016). Potapova N., Onishchenko V. Conditions of development of transport-forwarding services in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 56–61. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.32.2016.105263


