Panyuk T., Gogol T. Finacial sequrity in the context of brand management enterprise.


  • Тетяна Панюк Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет, м. Рівне, Україна, Ukraine
  • Тетяна Гоголь Інститут законодавства Верховної Ради України, м. Київ, Україна, Ukraine



financial security, brand management, financial risk, innovative investment, principles of formation and development of the brand.


The article presents the results of the research in the field of financial security in the context of brand management enterprise. Overview basic approaches of specialists in this area. The main risks arising from financing activities in the design and brand management enterprise. Characterized types of innovative investment that will strengthen the competitive position of the enterprise. Formed the basic principles of creation and development of brands and underlined their effectiveness. The basic protection measures against threats of financial risks that may affect the implementation of financial strategies to protect the brand of the enterprises. It was concluded that the financial security in the context of brand management is an important strategic condition for the functioning and development of enterprises. After all, the financial security is a condition in which financial stability should be the company to implement its strategy and in the process of creation and brand management company. That company brand is an intangible asset that can increase the value-added goods and improve the competitiveness of enterprises. The financial security system uses a variety of methods and activities that include the regulation and the internal mechanism of brand management company, and system tools that are able to store and effectively use available resources company. The concept of financial security associated with financial risks. Important interests in dealing with them are the maximization of profits and additional investments that are realized through the acquisition of finished and developing its own scientific and technical products, patents, inventions, trademarks. This can be implemented according to the principles of forming and developing brands and building an appropriate system of measures to protect them.


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How to Cite

Панюк, Т., & Гоголь, Т. (2016). Panyuk T., Gogol T. Finacial sequrity in the context of brand management enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 84–90.


