Vereskun M. V., Zaharov S.V. The effectiveness of management of competitiveness of large corporate structures.


  • Михайло Вікторович Верескун Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Сергій Валерійович Захаров ТОВ «Метінвест-промсервіс», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



corporation, synergy, marketing competitiveness, resource competitiveness, management efficiency factor of competitiveness.


The article analyzes the pace of the global steel market development over the past five years. The dynamics of «Metinvest Holding LLC» Ukrainian companies for the same period of time. The basic tendencies of development of the global steel industry. The analysis of basic production and economic performance of «Metinvest Holding LLC»y. The dynamics of economic indicators: the level revenues, EBITDA, net profit, the value of the company's assets. The dynamics of production indicators: steel production, the volume of iron ore and coal mining. The main reason for the decline and loss of efficiency of the company is to reduce the volume of production of the main products of the company: steel, iron ore and coal. Using the author's methods to assess the level of efficiency of management of competitiveness of the company. Based on the analysis of basic production and economic indicators and the results of the calculation of the efficiency factor of competitiveness management concluded that reducing the efficiency of management of competitiveness of the company «Metinvest Holding LLC». Using calculations proved that the largest decline recorded in the evaluation of the effectiveness of resource management competitiveness. Guide companies need to pay attention to the efficient use of all resources. Important reserve for increasing the efficiency of management of competitiveness is the use of administrative synergies that arise in the management of large corporate structures.


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How to Cite

Верескун, М. В., & Захаров, С. В. (2016). Vereskun M. V., Zaharov S.V. The effectiveness of management of competitiveness of large corporate structures. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 91–98.


