Korzhenevska V. Methodical approach to systemic crisis management in engineering enterprises with the use of economic instruments.


  • Вікторія Миколаївна Корженевська Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine




crisis management system, crisis, anti-crisis program, management solutions, time.


The article identifies that in order to attract investment into the domestic economy, it is necessary to build transparent, perspective and business system, which is based on an effective crisis management system. This issue must be interested not only to enterprises but also to state authorities. The article focuses on the support absence from the state and banks to domestic companies. Today the possibility of lending financial and insolvent enterprises is significantly limited, as well as the purchase of securities in low-quality issuers. This is, unfortunately, completely eliminates the possibility to restore the economic condition of the enterprises which are in crisis. In connection with the above, management of the enterprises should be personally interested in the application of modern tools of crisis management in the conduct of financial and economic activities. An effective crisis management system along with correctly formulated strategy is one of the most important criteria for the economic success of the enterprise. It is proposed to use a methodical approach to the systematic management of the crisis at the mechanical engineering enterprises, which combines the tactics and strategy of crisis management, and also considers the time factor as one of the main. Each stage of crisis management methodology system implies that the management company has previously developed the anti-crisis program in accordance with the specifics of its activities, which is adjusted in accordance with the existing situation.


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How to Cite

Корженевська, В. М. (2016). Korzhenevska V. Methodical approach to systemic crisis management in engineering enterprises with the use of economic instruments. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 105–111. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.32.2016.105302


