Bieloborodova M. Modeling the environmental costs of the enterprise as an instrument of their optimization.


  • Марія Валеріївна Бєлобородова Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Національний гірничий університет», Ukraine



environmental initiatives, optimization model, costs, environmental program, modeling.


The research set out and the article examines the process of optimizing of the environmental costs of industrial enterprise. Environmental costs are considered in the context of the funds required for the implementation of the environmental program of the enterprise. The main purpose of the research is to construct a linear optimization model of environmental costs of the enterprise of mining and metallurgical complex. In this research methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific concepts, comparisons and mathematical modeling methods are used. The research examines the process of implementation of the environmental program at the enterprise. The mechanism of financing of ecological program’s activities is analyzed. It is proposed to use linear optimization model. The following parameters of the model are considered: effectiveness of the ecological activities, the level of importance of each of the imposed activities, the minimum amount of money required for the introduction of each of the activities. The distribution of the environmental costs of three enterprises of mining and metallurgical complex of the Dnepropetrovsk region is estimated. In this research a linear optimization model of the cost for enterprise’s environmental initiatives is proposed. The process of allocation of funds between program activities is upgraded. Recommendations regarding the optimal ratio of distributed resources are given. The proposed optimization model maximizes enterprise’s own environmental initiative with the minimum level of costs for each of the environmental activities. This model can also be applied in the process of assessing current and capital environmental costs of the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Бєлобородова, М. В. (2016). Bieloborodova M. Modeling the environmental costs of the enterprise as an instrument of their optimization. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 112–118.


