Sivachenko O. Aspects of management of marketing communications performance in the internet.


  • Олександр Вікторович Сиваченко Запорізький національний університет, Ukraine



marketing communication, advertising campaign, the traffic, the target audience, machinery enterprise.


The article deals with management aspects of marketing communication on the Internet. Much attentionis given to importance of evaluation of traffic channel’s ability to involve the target audience for visiting the company's website. Resent researches of domestic and foreign scientists regarding issues of management and evaluation of online communications are briefly reviewed. Regarding the effectiveness of traffic sources objective data are shown. The clarification method of statistical data which is based on the use of references utmmarkup is introduced. It’s stressed that possibilities to increase the involved target audience volume with reducing unit costs is highly important. It is noted that the use of additional markup options allows to receive information about traffic sources, as well as to determine the position at which ads have appeared, reveal kind of placement which is used by advertising system and other analytical data could be received. It is shown that the use of additional markups of Google provides information on the topics of placements, keyword match types and other essential information about the origin of the traffic thatisn’t available by default. The proposed method provides information on the advertising system, the type of campaign, its title and wording of the keyword (for the contextual advertising). It is noted that more precise data analysis allow to adjust the existing advertising campaign so as to receive a greater volume of orders from the site at a lower costs for involving them. It’s stressed that utmmarkup use has a great potential in the management of modern marketing communications of machinery enterprise.


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How to Cite

Сиваченко, О. В. (2016). Sivachenko O. Aspects of management of marketing communications performance in the internet. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 192–196.


