Khadzhynova О., Burak P. The prerequisites of improving the system of managing strategic changes in enterprise activities.


  • Олена Вікторівна Хаджинова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine
  • Павло Валерійович Бурак ДВНЗ « Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



strategy, strategic change, enterprise, procedure, approach, changes, strategy of changes.


The high dynamics of the environment requires the enterprise management to be ready for the changes and to respond to them in due time. The research of changes on enterprises, as the separate direction of the administrative science, began in the middle of the ХХth century. Scientists associate strategic changes with enterprise development, where the conformity of the properties attained by the enterprise as a result of changes in the primary project comes forward as a criterion of its positivity. The consideration of the evolution of views on the problem of changes has allowed to form own definition of strategic changes. Strategic changes are a system procedure which realization forces an enterprise to respond promptly to external and internal transformations assisting permanent development and, in case of timely realization, leading to more effective functioning. The efficiency of realization of changes while realizing the strategy depends on a number of factors: the rate of realization of changes; a degree of control on the part of the management; the use of external structures, for example, consulting ones; central or local concentration of forces. The introduction of a strategy mainly requires substantial changes on an enterprise which can take place during reengineering, restructuring or introduction of innovations. The initial task of forming the strategy of changes is a guarantee of the organization’s effective response to the existent need or problem. The strategy should guarantee the existence or arrangement of conditions, at which the company will hold every prospect of success.


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How to Cite

Хаджинова, О. В., & Бурак, П. В. (2016). Khadzhynova О., Burak P. The prerequisites of improving the system of managing strategic changes in enterprise activities. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 245–250.


