Kutsevolova M. Forming an efficient mechanism of regulation Ukraine’s labor-market.


  • Маріанна Віталіївна Куцеволова Донецький національний університет економіки і торгівлі імені М. Туган-Барановського, м.Кривий Ріг, Ukraine




labor market, mechanisms of regulation, self-regulation, state regulation, contractual regulation, demand, supply, employment.


The article pointed out that at the present development stage of the state has not established a mechanism of labor-market regulation, as the coordinated interaction of the state, contractual regulation and self-regulation of the labor-market . The scheme of mechanism regulation Ukraine’s labor-market has been proposed. It was found that the construction of an efficient labor-market regulation mechanism is necessary to define its purpose (function ensure the realization of this goal), subjects, objects, principles, methods, and tools of influence factors. It is indicated that the purpose of forming an effective mechanism for regulating the labor market in Ukraine is to achieve an effective balance between supply and demand in terms of volume and structure, improving social standards and improving quality of life. The main and secondary influence factors that contribute to the development of the labor-market. Among the key: the natural-geographic, demographic, economic, social, legislative, legal and political factors. By minor include: organizational, technical and technological, historical, cultural and environmental factors. It was found that labor-market regulation should be carried out through the socio-economic, organizational, administrative, legal and investment leverage. It was determined that in order to build an effective mechanism for regulating the labor-market in Ukraine requires a balanced combination of self-regulation mechanisms, public and contractual regulation of the labor-market; shift of emphasis from the regulation of the labor supply (labor force characteristics) to demand management (quantity, structure and quality of jobs). The advantages of the proposed mechanism is that the interests of employers, educational institutions, workers and the state in the formation of labor-market policies, taking into account the factors of influence on the labor-market, as well as the identification of the main levers of the regulation situation on the labor-market.


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How to Cite

Куцеволова, М. В. (2016). Kutsevolova M. Forming an efficient mechanism of regulation Ukraine’s labor-market. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 258–264. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.32.2016.105566


