Vashchenko V. The main problems in the process of recruiting staff in an industrial plant.


  • Валерія Вадимівна Ващенко ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



selection, hiring, employee search and correction of problems and selection recruitment.


Тhe article the basic theoretical aspects and research methods training. The causes and consequences of the unsuccessful selection of candidates for the position of an industrial plant. The basic problem in the process of recruiting staff and made suggestions for correction selection and recruitment problems personala .Osnovnoy challenge when hiring personnel to work is to meet the demand for workers in the qualitative and quantitative ratio.. Creation of production is always associated with people who work in the enterprise. Hiring a job - it is a series of actions designed to attract candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the objectives set by the company. This set of activities covering all stages of the recruitment and assessment, training and selection of the reception staff to work The problem of staff selection and further training faces almost every company.The aim of the article is to examine the main problems of the process of recruitment, where the solution to the problem is an optimization-based systems and procedures laid down in the new methods of management, selection and recruitment, which is already dependent on specific people, their knowledge, competence, qualification and motivation. The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical aspects and methods of personnel search, to make proposals for correcting the problems of personnel recruiting.


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How to Cite

Ващенко, В. В. (2016). Vashchenko V. The main problems in the process of recruiting staff in an industrial plant. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 308–311.


