System of ecological safety of a transport process of industrial enterprise.


  • Irina Mayorova Pryazovskyi state technical university (PSTU), m. Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Michail Pomazkov Pryazovskyi state technical university (PSTU), m. Mariupol, Ukraine



assessment, impact, environment, car, harmful emissions, transportation process, cost, ecology, traffic.


Taking into account the existent points of view of scientific and own researches of authors presently industrial enterprises ran into the fact of the final use of possibilities of increase of materially-power streams and are in the search of organization of production of consumption of informative resources, and resources carry out the great number of other functions, and not only natural. . Literate and safe organization of processes of transporting conduces to deployment of market of resources, declines of prime price of finish good and providing of competition pride of place of modern enterprise at the market. In the article the model of control of extras of harmful substances and adjusting offer answers the requirements of estimation of influence the process of transporting of modern enterprise, that is base on monitoring of environment through settling of extras’ of carbon dioxide, sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, on an environment and regulates motion of motor transport of enterprise. It is analyzed possibility and consequence from the change of modern attitude toward the decision of ecological problems.


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How to Cite

Mayorova, I., & Pomazkov, M. (2018). System of ecological safety of a transport process of industrial enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 12–18.


