Environmental management as a factor in the environmental and economic efficiency of industrial enterprises.


  • Nataliya Potapova State Higher Education Institution "Pryazovskyi State Technical University", Mariupol, Ukraine




environmental management, efficiency, tools of the environmental management mechanism, "cost-benefit" analysis, enterprise.


The most vital problem at the current stage of economic development is the growth of economic and environmental crises. This calls for the search of new priorities in sustainable development, the most important of which is the need for deep ecologicalization of the economy. The need to find new ways and approaches that suit today conditions and minimize the negative impact on the environment is becoming more and more obvious. Development of environmentally and economically efficient production is now in the mainstream in the developed countries worldwide. The essence of environmental management is defined in the paper, its role in the economic system of the enterprise is justified, elements and tools of the environmental management mechanism are described. The author maintains that formation of instruments for the environmental management of an industrial enterprise should be preceded by a "cost-benefit" analysis. The conditions under which introduction of environmental management at the enterprise will enhance efficiency have been determined. The scheme of delegating responsibilities in the sphere of environmental management at an industrial enterprise is proposed. Thus, it is demonstrated that environmental management, being a certain type of management, is fundamentally oriented towards formation and development of environmentally-friendly production, advancement of ecological culture and human life and activities. Formation of this type of management at industrial enterprises means launching the process of introducing technological systems, management and other solutions that result in efficient use of natural resources while preserving the quality of the environment.


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How to Cite

Potapova, N. (2018). Environmental management as a factor in the environmental and economic efficiency of industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 19–25. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.35.2018.133139


