Legal support of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine




legal support, law, legislation, entrepreneurial activity, state, state regulation.


The approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of "legal support of entrepreneurial activity" are considered. The development of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine is considered. It is proved that it is difficult and sometimes impossible for entrepreneurs to solve problems of local, regional, state and world level that arise under the influence of non-market factors. In solving these problems, government intervention and a corresponding chosen policy in the field of entrepreneurship are necessary. The main factors of influence and ways of solving problems of further development of entrepreneurial activity are determined. Three blocks of normative legal acts have been singled out, namely the Constitution of Ukraine, a block of special normative acts regulating solely entrepreneurial activity and regulatory legal acts containing separate norms or their totality regulating entrepreneurship. Certain components of legal support have been identified, which will have an effective impact on entrepreneurial activities. Investigations of directions of improvement of legal support of entrepreneurial activity, further enable to form four concrete measures for effective and comprehensive legal support of entrepreneurial activity. First, the activation of engaging the business community in a constructive dialogue with the public administration authorities in making power decisions at the state and local levels. Secondly, the development of any legislative projects on a competent and qualifying basis, taking into account their economic feasibility and financial security. Thirdly, clearing the legislation of unnecessary harmful regulatory and legal acts and subordinate legislation. Fourth, the establishment of effective parliamentary review on unconditional compliance by government officials and local self-government with legislative requirements in regulatory activities.


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How to Cite

Mamatova, L. (2018). Legal support of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 33–40.


