The international labor market in the world globalizing: migration discourse.


  • Svetlana Kalinina Інститут підготовки кадрів Державної служби зайнятості України, м. Київ, Ukraine
  • Yuriy Korovchuk аспірант, Маріупольський державний університет, Ukraine
  • Olga Kushnarenko аспірант, Маріупольський державний університет, Ukraine



international economic migration, global consequences of labor migration, geopolitical instability, highly skilled labor, segments of the international labor market.


The dynamism of transformations and the instability of the development of the international labor market necessitates systematic research from a variety of angles of socio-economic relations on a global scale. One of these perspectives is the international migration process. At the present stage, the impact of globalization on the development of the international labor market is determined by various opportunities for meeting the human needs of countries with different economic development, which manifests itself mainly in the transboundary movement of its own labor force, that is, the "reproductive wealth of the country", which spends money on vocational training and training to other countries that use this workforce, assigning the results of the work of the latter. It should also be noted that not only highly skilled workers are employed in the migration processes, but also malnourished, which in its turn forms a kind of segmentation of the relevant market. It is no exception to the situation where a highly skilled workforce is involved in the field of employment which does not correspond to the level of qualification. It is the emphasis on such features that quite reflects the current positioning of Ukraine in international migration processes. Ukraine's advanced position in the scale of migration flows from post-Soviet countries play an important role in shaping the geopolitical positioning of the country, the negative public perception of domestic reforms, and require the introduction of effective regulatory measures in the context of minimization of losses. Such regulation should be based on the programmatic and targeted macroeconomic regulation of the development of the national labor market, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of international migration processes at the stage of globalization.


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How to Cite

Kalinina, S., Korovchuk, Y., & Kushnarenko, O. (2018). The international labor market in the world globalizing: migration discourse. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 69–76.


