The crucial legal issues of legal protection and legal safeguard the objects of the law of intellectual property in Ukraine.


  • Yuliya Kuznetsova Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



legal regulation, copyright, caricatures, parody, kamkording, сardsharing, Сouncil of Intellectual Property, Supreme Court of Intellectual Property.


To article are investigated problematic questions of the legal regulation the objects of the right of intellectual property. Are analyzed concepts “legal protection” and “legal safeguard” in the law-creating instrument and the scientific literature, and also the balance of these concepts. The conclusion is made that legal protection and legal safeguard these are the successive stages of the process of legal regulation. Are examined novelty of legal regulation as caricatures, parody and potpourri which became the object of the legal protection of copyright; deliktization and the criminalization of kamkording and сardsharing as the breach of copyright of copyright and neighbouring rights. In dependence to the size of the substituted damage and level of public danger of kamkording and сardsharing they come out as delicts, administrative infraction or crimes. Is given attention to the reformation the system of the legal protection of the objects intellectual property right; the liquidation Ukrainian State Department of Intellectual Property; the transfer of its functions to the ministry of economic development and trade; the creation Сouncil of Intellectual Property. Are examined the bases of the reformed legal protection of the objects of the law of intellectual property; the creation of Supreme Court of Intellectual Property, which is the superior specialized court, primary court and court of appeal. Legal disputes of economic, administrative, and also civil legal nature assigned to it jurisdiction that emphasizes specialization of this court. The investigated crucial problems of the law of intellectual property make it possible to assert that this branch of law is located on the stage of active reformation that unconditionally must positively influence the development of this sphere of social relations.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, Y. (2018). The crucial legal issues of legal protection and legal safeguard the objects of the law of intellectual property in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 84–90.


