Yе. Latysheva. Determination of essence of concept "potential of steady development of enterprises".


  • Олена Володимирівна Латишева Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, м. Краматорськ, Ukraine




potential, sustainable development, triune conceptions of sustainable development, potential of enterprise, potential of steady development of enterprises.


The paper a few of approaches  of definitions «sustainable development» and «potential of sustainable development» generalization and considered. The key descriptions are combinations of triune conception of sustainable development, possibilities and resources of this development have considered. The paper authorial determination of concept «potential of sustainable development of enterprises» has been presented. The authorial comprehension of sustainable development is presented on all hierarchical levels from positions socially - oriented and ecologically - the directed economic development, as the directed sequence of changes of her components, connections and intercommunications between them. Determination of essence of potential of sustainable development of enterprises offers as triads of constituents (social, ecological, economic), as systems of key possibilities that include : resources (natural, labour, economic and other), administrative - organizational possibilities (system of management of sustainable development, management ecologically - economic processes, market mechanisms of management, instruments of the management system, in thereby the ecologically-oriented character), other of competense (marketing, investment-technological, administrative and other), id est as to possibility, readiness and ability of the system to transform an internal (economic) constituent and  ecological constituent (naturally-resource components) in social (satisfaction of public necessities).  The management of potential of sustainable development by enterprises is based on balancing of functioning of elements, social, economic and ecological constituents of sustainable development and forms terms for an effective management and adjusting as enterprises so national economy on the whole. It offers to determinate the management of sustainable development as transformation of such base property of potential of sustainable development as exceptional nature, that provides possibility to the producers (ecologically oriented) of commodities to get technological, organizationally-administrative or other of advantage of potential. 


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How to Cite

Латишева, О. В. (2017). Yе. Latysheva. Determination of essence of concept "potential of steady development of enterprises". REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 35–42. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134024


