O. Bilska. The essence of innovation and the source base of their continuous involvement in the process social innovation introduction process.


  • Ольга Володимирівна Більська Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, Ukraine




novation, novelty, innovation, nature, relationship, social innovation introduction process continuity, source prospects.


The estimation of the degree of scientific elaboration of problems of implementation at the national field of innovation development model. Highlighted the realities of the socio-economic dynamics resulting from innovation and the causes of their unacceptable changes. Conducted historical discourse on the introduction of scientific and practical usage of the concepts "novation", "novelty" and "innovation". The article generalises approaches of scientists to definition of the essence of the terms "innovation", "innovation" and "innovation" and justify their author's conception. Innovation is treated as a universal category that when introducing a new construct takes the form of innovations, and improving existing sample transformirovalsya in innovation.  The essence of "innovation" as slootweg the concept behind the term "novation" and the prefix "in" which reduces it to change from inside. Set source database continuous innovation introduction process, which highlighted existing, but inadequate to the modern requirements of equipment, technology, organization of production, institutions and institutions and which are identified as tradition. Proven that are involved in the process of social progress tradition, realizes the potential of streamlining innovation processes in the social system, ensures repeatability, predictability and controllability and contributes to bringing them into the plane of public usefulness. The proposed scheme is a universal mechanism innovation introduction process development in the national economy. Introduced in the innovative practice, the term "Economica" that is bound to do something new for the national economy or improvement based on foreign models. The specificity of the introduction of innovations in the economy is recognized as the timeliness of inconsistencies in the value of filling the regulatory mechanism innovation introduction process through certain symptoms and trends that are sufficient for their study and search novation decision.


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How to Cite

Більська, О. В. (2017). O. Bilska. The essence of innovation and the source base of their continuous involvement in the process social innovation introduction process. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134038


