R. Korolenko. Сhoosing the strategy of innovative development of the enterprise in the format of ecological responsibility.


  • Ріта Вікторівна Короленко ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет», м. Кривий Ріг, Ukraine




environmental responsibility, environmental management, innovative process, innovative development, strategy.


The article explains the necessity of putting into the enterprise management practice the ecological responsibility when forming and realization of the enterprise development strategies. The content filling the essence of the innovative development strategy of the enterprise is investigated and expanded. The necessity of considering the format of the ecological and social responsibility in the structure of the socio-economic system is grounded. The methodology of conceptual analysis for the system solving of the scientific problem to determine the categories of "strategy", "innovation", "innovative activity", "innovative process" is used. The conceptual approach to the process of formation of the innovative enterprise development strategy based on ecological responsibility in the context of the combination of process, structural and organizational aspects is explained. It is proved that in the conditions of the innovative economy the special importance has the ecological responsibility the decisive role of which actualizes the necessity of the enterprise to choose the effective strategy of the innovative development.


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How to Cite

Короленко, Р. В. (2017). R. Korolenko. Сhoosing the strategy of innovative development of the enterprise in the format of ecological responsibility. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 88–94. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134173


