L. Sotnichenko. Establishment of directions of development of the charter market bulker fleet.


  • Людмила Леонідівна Сотниченко Одеська національна морська академія, м. Одеса, Ukraine




freight rates, deadweight, the freight market conditions, the main bulk cargoes, vessel operational speed.


In article it is proved that the main forming elements of a conjuncture of the charter market as any free market, demand, the offer and cost for services of sea transport acts. Importance of the information concerning a conjuncture of the world charter market bulker fleet and its tendencies as one of the basic export goods of Ukraine is grain, coal, clay, metal rolling of ferrous metals and other which are transported basically bulker by fleet is proved. The data of sea transportations of the basic mass cargoes, deadweight bulker fleet and average time charter rates of the freight for principal views of bulk ships are analysed. It is established that rates of the freight of different kinds of bulk ships have the similar tendency, level of rates answers deadweight of a vessel. Methods of mathematical statistics are used. On the basis of the data of the average charter rate and average cost of bulk ships it has been spent korreljatsionno-regressionnyj the analysis of influence of factors on charter rates bulker fleet. Indicators of operational loading bulker fleet are defined. The data of time charter rates of the freight for principal views of bulk ships and average cost of bunker fuel is resulted and analysed. The analysis of a conjuncture of the charter market bulker fleet has shown that a maximum level charter rates on transportation of the basic mass cargoes have reached in 2007-2008, and as a whole the period of high rates is necessary on 2003-2008. But financial crisis of 2008-2009 in economic has led to crisis in the charter market of sea transportations. It is underlined that the world charter market had two tendencies: gradual growth of charter rates before financial crisis of 2008-2009, and gradual decrease in rates after it.


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  4. 4. Фрахтование морских судов. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: http://www.answer-logistic.ru/baza-znanij/stati/frahtovanie-morskih-sudov.html
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How to Cite

Сотниченко, Л. Л. (2017). L. Sotnichenko. Establishment of directions of development of the charter market bulker fleet. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 203–209. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134312


