A. Gurenko, E. Schenykova, M. Yevsik. A study of the current capacity of a marytime complex of Ukraine.


  • Анна Василівна Гуренко Азовський морський інститут НУ «ОМА», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Еліна Валеріївна Щеникова Азовський морський інститут НУ «ОМА», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Марія Сергіївна Євсік Азовський морський інститут НУ «ОМА», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




maritime complex, maritime activities, the potential of the Maritime industry, program of development, areas of improvement.


Disclosed the essence and elements of a marytime complex of Ukraine. It is determined that the current management system is not fully takes into account existing theoretical and methodological approaches. It narrows down the comprehensive assessment of the potential of a marytime complex. The adopted directions of promising development are fragmented and do not allow to expand the possibilities of development of enterprises of Maritime transport. The lack of experience of application of modern management techniques hinders the integration process in the transport sector and leads the country to the loss of competitive positions. Researched constituent elements forming the potential of a marytime complex. Special attention is paid to resource and technological components. Defined by their values and traits. Disclosed the features of transport system functioning in the period of exacerbation of the crisis. Analyzed the priorities for the development of Maritime transport. Reviewed the current regulatory framework, identified contradictions, and fragmented approaches in the system of public administration. Investigated the basic operating enterprises of a marytime complex, the characteristic features of their production capacities. Analysed the key constraints affecting managerial decision making on different levels. Given the number of ways to improve the system of transport management. Determined that the improvement of management processes should be accompanied by systematic measures for the implementation of effective tools of administrative, strategic, industrial, production, operational, financial, investment, design, staffing, innovation, information, environmental management, risk management, management. Proposed to improve the control system of a marytime complex through the development of comprehensive business plans. Improvement of the governance processes must provide for the distribution of functions between the entities based on their specific properties. The recommended actions to minimize risks and losses, increase performance, enhance motivation and social standards, will contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of Maritime transport.


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How to Cite

Гуренко, А. В., Щеникова, Е. В., & Євсік, М. С. (2017). A. Gurenko, E. Schenykova, M. Yevsik. A study of the current capacity of a marytime complex of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 218–224. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134384


