V. Rovenska, Н. Krasnozhon. Methods of evaluation of corporate social responsibility and problems of their application in Ukraine.


  • Вікторія Ровенська Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, м. Краматорськ, Ukraine
  • Ганна Красножон Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, м. Краматорськ, Ukraine




corporate social responsibility, stakeholders, methods of assessing CSR, the level of CSR, social stocks indices, not stock social indices, CSR assessment indicators.


The need and importance of assessing the level of corporate social responsibility is discussed in the article, since CSR assessment methods are an important tool for making managerial decisions. Three approaches: minimalist, key and comprehensive highlight when evaluating CSR. The prospects of their application are considered. The choice of a specific evaluation methodology is determined, to the greatest extent, by the level of development of CSR. A close relationship exists between the stage of the life cycle and the level of development of corporate social responsibility of the company. Attention is paid to the variety of methods for assessing corporate social responsibility in the article. Methods of calculating stock social indicates that will ensure decision-making within the framework of socially responsible investment have been considered by the authors. Dow Jones Sustainability Index, NASDAQ Social Index, FTSE 4 Good, CLD Social Indeх and other are the examples of stock indices in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. Method of measuring the index of social investment SROI (social return on investment) viewed separately. The methodology of measuring the company's strategic benefits from CSR activities, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of corporate social policy in the format of an "information card", and a normative-indicative approach to the methodology for assessing corporate social responsibility are considered. Analysis of methods for assessing the level of corporate social responsibility showed their diversity and identified a number of shortcomings. Each of them does not allow to fully analyze the aggregate of CSR components and reveal its state. A certain need for development on a legislative basis, at least the methodology that will be described by a certain regulatory framework exists in Ukraine This will allow all interested parties in the business process to obtain the necessary information when making their decisions.


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How to Cite

Ровенська, В., & Красножон, Г. (2017). V. Rovenska, Н. Krasnozhon. Methods of evaluation of corporate social responsibility and problems of their application in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 268–275. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134403


