M. Karpunina. The conceptual bases of mechanism of resource management in the steel industry in Ukraine.


  • Марина Станіславівна Карпуніна Класичний приватний університет, Ukraine




resource conservation, resource conservation management, resource conservation process, economic and management approach, economic effect, resources, steel industry, resource intensity, resource efficiency, resource provision.


The author founds a conceptual basis of implementing the mechanism of managing resource conservation process in steel industry of Ukraine by identifying the economic and management components within the mechanism of resource conservation in steel industry. The content and economic relationship of the economic and management components within the conceptual approaches of implementing the mechanism of managing resource conservation process in steel industry is grounded. The results and effects at the level of the economic and management components the conceptual approaches of implementing the mechanism of managing resource conservation process in steel industry is defined and founded. The article offers the concept of steel industry development within implementing the mechanism of managing resource conservation process. The conceptual bases with the methodical approaches of the implementation of such a mechanism formulated the general concept of the development of the metallurgical industry in terms of realization of the mechanism of management of the process of resource conservation. This concept reflects the strategic goal of industry development in accordance with the country's economic development strategy, the goals of implementation of resource conservation at the industry level. The concept of the mechanism of the resource saving contains principles, conditions, levels and directions of the process of resource conservation at the level of the industry.


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How to Cite

Карпуніна, М. С. (2017). M. Karpunina. The conceptual bases of mechanism of resource management in the steel industry in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 283–290. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134499


