O. Parshyna, T. Chumak. Trend analysis of the tourist sector in Ukraine.


  • Олена Анатоліївна Паршина Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, м. Дніпро, Ukraine
  • Тетяна Валентинівна Чумак Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, м. Дніпро, Ukraine




tourist sector, forecast methods, progress trend.


Tourist business is one of profitable industries of world economy. Tourism is included in leading industries of economy in many countries, it develops rapid enough rates and it has an important social and economic value.  Information about general payment of tourism to GDP for the countries of the world has been given in the article. The conducted researches certify that development of the tourist sector is especially important for Ukraine, as exactly due to him it is possible to improve a socio-economic situation. The purpose of the article consists in the analysis and exposure of progress of the tourist sector in Ukraine with use of forecast methods. The compressed analysis of the existent forecast methods has been given and the algorithm of research has been developed. Informative databases with statistical information 2000-2016 have been formed.  Tendencies of the amount of Ukraine citizens, which drove out for a border, and also to Poland, Germany, Turkey and to Romania have been certain. The forecasts on the next period of time by using the mathematical models have been carried out.


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How to Cite

Паршина, О. А., & Чумак, Т. В. (2017). O. Parshyna, T. Chumak. Trend analysis of the tourist sector in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 333–341. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134592


