Skarga O. O., Kushnarenko O. P. On the issue of labor-resource provision of the tourism industry.


  • Олександра Олександрівна Скарга Маріупольський державний університет, Ukraine
  • Ольга Петрівна Кушнаренко Маріупольський державний університет, Ukraine



tourism industry, international market of tourist services, international tourism, tourism sphere, labor-resource support, labor-resource potential of tourism sector.


The modern stage of world economic development is characterized by increased attention to the needs of the development of the sphere of services in general and the tourism industry in particular, as a catalyst for socio-economic and cultural changes in the development of society. At the same time, there is a realization of the clear dependence of the development of the tourist sphere on the labor supply of the industry as a factor in the formation of the positions of countries in the international market of tourist services. As an important form of international economic relations, tourism has become significant in the second half of the twentieth century. The contribution of international tourism to world GDP is almost 11%, providing employment of more than 10% of the workforce. Tourism accounts for 120 million jobs in the industry and 125 million jobs in related industries. The tourism industry in Ukraine directly and indirectly accounts for 1,570 jobs, which is 7.7% of the total employment of the country's population. At the same time, the cumulative effect is clearly traced. At the same time, Ukraine occupies only 66 positions on the indicator of development of human resources, which increases the relevance of the solution of the problem of the formation of high-quality labor-resource provision of the tourism sector. It is concluded that the solution of the problems of labor resources of the tourism industry should include, firstly, an analysis of the conditions of reproduction and functioning of the labor resource potential of the tourism sector, and secondly, the identification of deficiencies and the identification of opportunities for improving the labor supply of the industry.


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How to Cite

Скарга, О. О., & Кушнаренко, О. П. (2017). Skarga O. O., Kushnarenko O. P. On the issue of labor-resource provision of the tourism industry. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 342–348.


