O. Liubchuk. Tourism as a Modern Determinant of Subjective Satisfaction with Life in Ukraine.


  • Olga Liubchuk SHEI «Pryazovskyi State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine




Subjective Satisfaction with Life, Doctrine of balanced development "Ukraine 2030", types of consumers, Ukrainian mentality, internal tourism, international tourism, inhibitory factors, developmental factors.


O. Liubchuk. Tourism as a Modern Determinant of Subjective Satisfaction with Life in Ukraine.

The article examines the approach to tourism as determinants of subjective satisfaction with life. The conducted research showed that indicators are used to calculate the international index "Happiness". International experts include subjective life satisfaction into list of the indicators of "happiness". The absence of a direct relationship between the development of the economy and its subjective perception of people is marked. The theoretical and conceptual foundations for solving the problem of subjective satisfaction with life in Ukraine are determined. The attention is paid to the psychological aspects of the state economic policy, consumer psychology, peculiarities of the Ukrainian mentality. The necessity of the subjective life satisfaction study for the implementation effectiveness of the "Doctrine of balanced development "Ukraine 2030" was noted. This article claims that the importance of tourism for the country's economy development and subjective life satisfaction. The features of development of modern tourism are noted. The effect of tourism on satisfaction of a number of needs of people are shown, in particular, needs for rest, needs for treatment, needs for self-realization, cognitive needs, cultural needs, professional needs and others. The dynamics of tourist flows of domestic tourists, tourists-citizens of Ukraine, who traveled abroad, were given. An increase in the percentage of Ukrainians trips abroad with an official purpose since 2016 was revealed. The dynamics of visiting Ukraine by foreign tourists since 2000 has been given.

The main factors inhibiting the development of the tourist industry in the country, which include the unfavorability of existing conditions for entrepreneurship, the imperfection of the regulatory legal field are presented. The necessary factors for the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine are determined, among which domestic political stability of the country, expansion of international relations, peaceful good-neighborly relations between the states are noted.


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How to Cite

Liubchuk, O. (2018). O. Liubchuk. Tourism as a Modern Determinant of Subjective Satisfaction with Life in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 154–159. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.35.2018.139745


