Proactive management of labor potential at an industrial plant.


  • Roman Tolpezhnikov Mariupol State University, Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Hanna Muterko State Higher Educational Istablishment «PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY», Ukraine



labor potential, proactivity, adaptability, semantic apparatus, recruiting, coaching


In the article the mechanism of management of labor potential of an enterprise was investigated and improved, and interaction of the enterprise functioning environment with the management and management system of the enterprise will be investigated and based on the appropriate adaptability and proactivity of the personnel and their consistency with the strategic task of forming the potential of an industrial enterprise. It allows to determine the objective need of labor resources for the formation of proactive type of potential. The introduction of the mechanism for managing the labor potential of the enterprise contributes to the increase in the efficiency of the use of the labor potential of the personnel and its further development on the one hand contributes to the successful and stable development of the enterprise, and on the other - the growth of the level of confidence on the part of the staff and society as a whole, which can best be reflected in the company's dedication . Taking into account the variability of personal characteristics under the influence of various vital factors, it is expedient to determine their definition by the personnel services of enterprises annually or more often in the case of workers' appeals, as well as in detecting deviations from the norms of behavior.


An improved scientific and methodological approach to human resources formation, which is to add a labor productivity proxy, allows us to determine the proactive type of labor potential that helps to prevent its inefficient use.



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How to Cite

Tolpezhnikov, R., & Muterko, H. (2018). Proactive management of labor potential at an industrial plant. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 248–255.


