A. Pereverzieva. Impact of the level of wage on the budget of the united territorial communities.





budget, own income, community, wage, tax revenues, self-sufficiency.


The formation of budgets of the united territorial communities and its structure are researched. It is determined that the revenues to the budgets of the united territorial communities consist of three elements: tax revenues, non-tax revenues and transfers. It is proved that tax revenues play a significant role in the formation of budgets of the united territorial communities, since they form their own revenues of the community. The scientific novelty of realizable research is application of method of grouping to the united territorial communities and their combination in groups depending on part of income tax physical persons. On the basis of using of coefficient of elasticity as an analytical tool the need to raise wages, which constitutes the main source of income for members of the community, is substantiated and, through the chain reaction, will increase the level of own revenues of the budgets of the united territorial communities and, accordingly, self-sufficiency. It was determined that 80% of the tax revenues are generated by the personal income tax. On the basis of analytical calculations, it was found that the increase of level of remuneration of labour on 1 % causes the increase of volume of own incomes of communities in 1,81 times. It is substantiated that the higher the level of wage, the greater the revenues to the community budget, and, accordingly, the volume of own income.


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How to Cite

Pereverzeva, . A. (2018). A. Pereverzieva. Impact of the level of wage on the budget of the united territorial communities. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 182–189. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.35.2018.147275


