N. Potapova. Ecological and economic aspects of the regional organization of waste-free production in Ukraine.





resource saving, waste, waste-free production, integrated use of resources, cyclic use of resources, environmental priorities, region, regional level of management.


The current stage of economic development in Ukraine objectively requires the development of resource conservation, the most important direction of which is non-waste production. The article considers the essence of waste-free production, analyzes its essential elements: the integrated use of resources, the cyclical use of resources, and environmental priorities. The features and problems of the implementation of each of the elements of waste-free production in Ukraine are considered. First, the processing of complex raw materials into finished products at Ukrainian enterprises traditionally focuses on the maximum extraction of the main component, which leads to large masses of waste containing valuable resources. Secondly, the industrial potential of industrial and household waste in the economic complex of Ukraine is used extremely low. In Ukraine, no more than 30% of waste is disposed of, and the share of recycled waste has been steadily decreasing in recent years. The article identifies problems that hinder the development of the cyclical nature of the use of resources. Third, the proper organization of environmental activities not only contributes to the preservation of natural resources and the environment, but can also bring significant economic results. The article substantiates that each of the elements of waste-free production can be implemented in economic activity only at the regional level of management and requires regulatory actions of regional governments. The introduction of regional forms of organization of waste-free production in Ukraine can be an effective way to overcome the shortage of raw materials and a powerful factor in economic growth.


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How to Cite

Potapova, N. (2018). N. Potapova. Ecological and economic aspects of the regional organization of waste-free production in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 273–278. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169653


