The corporate identity of the hotel business in the tourism marketing system.


  • Alina Sahirova Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



marketing, competition, hotel business, corporate identity, advertising, image


The article is of a survey nature. The hotel business is considered one of the most noble, but also time-consuming and requiring huge investments. Globalization of the world economy, increased international competition occur as a result of the rapid pace of scientific and technological progress, the intensification of innovative processes. New conditions require new approaches to the organization of the hotel industry. The article emphasizes the importance of corporate identity as an important tool in the marketing activities of a hotel company. The corporate identity provides the formation of perception of specific attributes of the image, plays a decisive role in the interaction of the company with partners, employees, suppliers, shareholders and customers. The more attractive the image of a hotel company, the more opportunities the hotel management will discover. A positive image means recognition, leading market positions, and high economic results. Therefore, the creation of a successful corporate identity of a hotel company is one of the ways to declare their competitive advantages, as well as increase attractiveness among target groups of the population in the tourism market. The article also indicates the functional aspects of the corporate identity, considers its main components and their specifics. The basic rules and stages of forming the corporate identity of a hotel enterprise are presented. The advantages of using corporate identity in the hotel business are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Sahirova, A. (2019). The corporate identity of the hotel business in the tourism marketing system. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 182–187.


