Technology investments as part of the marketing policy of diversified enterprises.




technological investments, marketing policy, diversified enterprises, venture capital.


The article deals with the current state of technological investments of companies in different industries, with special attention paid to companies operating in different fields. To determine the nature of technological investments, an analysis of the scientific works of scientists was conducted, which proved that technological investments can be the basis for strengthening economic potential. It can also be part of a marketing concept to attract not only traditional investors, but also part of venture capital funds for conglomerates, which covers research analytics for technology investments most diversified in its assets and revenues of publicly traded companies. The analysis of the most widespread industries in which venture capital investors' money is channeled is analyzed. It is concluded that technologies and technological investments aim to improve the development of the following economic categories, namely: to make organizational management more efficient; enhances other sectors of the economy (able to optimize processes, for example, the capabilities of the modern Internet have changed such an industry as retail, and also gave impetus to the development of the goods delivery industry); ability to influence macroeconomic indicators (investments in technology are usually made through public financing, also very often the method of interaction of teams from different countries has a positive impact on the foreign trade balance of the country, the opportunity to improve financial markets, the development of social initiatives (social habits can change, with the further development of technology , so today, thanks to technology development, tourism, ease of telecommunications have become very popular among all social groups , transparent social activity, accessibility of media content); regulatory procedures (today with the development of technologies, the possibility of controlling business over its activity increases, as well as facilitating social control of business, stimulating it to be more responsible), contributing to the globalization of socio-economic processes (the level of mutualism among individual companies and even industries across the globe). The areas of responsibility of the organization are identified, which should be addressed in if I make a decision about implementing technology in the business process.


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How to Cite

Kalinin, O. (2019). Technology investments as part of the marketing policy of diversified enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 64–71.


