Marketing strategy at transport enterprises in the context of crisis management.


  • Maryna Kravchenko ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Alina Kinash ПВНЗ «Європейський університет», м. Київ, Ukraine



transportation services, freight turnover, railway transport, restructuring, internal and external factors.


The article is devoted to the research of issues, analysis and improvement of marketing activities at the railway enterprises of Ukraine. As a result of the research, it was established that in difficult and unstable financial business conditions, and under competition, there is a need to adopt marketing management methods at railway enterprises. The article discusses scientific approaches to the problems of marketing development in the service sector. Also It is revealed the essence of the concept of transport services as an object of marketing activities. The methodological foundations of the marketing assurance of the quality of transport services and the applying of logistic methods in the implementation of the marketing management concept in anti-crisis situations in the field of transport services are defined. The analysis of freight traffic by various types of transport, as well as specifically considered the transport by rail. The main problems of railways and the quality of services, lack of customer service flexibility, weak interaction with other transport processes are identified. Considered and improved the scheme of the exit of the enterprise from the crisis state, and also considered the factors of risk development of the enterprise in the anti-crisis period. Recommendations are given to improve marketing activities in the structure of enterprise management, which allow planning and coordination of marketing activities in rail transport, and you can calculate the optimal distribution of goods using formula and calculations, you can determine the delivery and processing for unplanned goods, and the proposed approach will allow go from planning, receiving applications for shippers in the optimum time.



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How to Cite

Kravchenko, M., & Kinash, A. (2019). Marketing strategy at transport enterprises in the context of crisis management. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 105–114.


