Formation of an effective mechanism for motivating the work of the management personnel of the organization.




motivation, management, personnel, environment, efficiency, mechanism of motivation.


In the presented article, some issues of the motivational mechanism of personnel management and management personnel in particular are considered: the role of motivation, the nature, functions and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the mechanism of motivation of managers' work.  It is determined that the basis for building a motivational mechanism are the needs and motivation. Needs force a person to act, and motivation is the driving force that manifests, directs and stores his purposeful efforts. The motivational mechanism underlies the successful existence of any enterprise, since it contributes to the rational use of the labor potential of workers, the mobilization of their mental and physical capabilities and leads to high productivity. A study of the mechanism of motivation of staff in the existing commercial enterprise showed that, mainly, in managing the current activities of the enterprise, administrative-organizational methods. Economic methods of material incentives for workers in the form of bonus labor results are used, but their efficiency is low. The main indicators of enterprise activity have a positive development trend, however, a comparison of the growth rates of wages and labor productivity showed that wage increases do not stimulate the growth of labor productivity. This indicates a low level of labor motivation and the need to develop a more effective mechanism. The analysis and identified shortcomings in the system of labor motivation of management personnel allowed to determine the main directions of its improvement based on material and non-material incentives. A flexible system for calculating the auxiliary salary in the form of a premium is proposed, depending on the integrated indicator, which is formed on the basis of the performance of the subordinate team, self-assessment and expert evaluation. The proposed technique will allow an objective assessment of the work of managers and their contribution to the results of the company.


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How to Cite

Aleksandrova, R. (2019). Formation of an effective mechanism for motivating the work of the management personnel of the organization. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 148–155.


