Modern tendencies of development of HR-management at domestic enterprises.


  • Galyna Shvets Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



HR-management, personnel management, crisis management, HR department, HR-indicators.


The necessity of development of HR-management in modern domestic enterprises is analyzed in the article. The difference between HR management and HR department is noted. Perspective practices in HR management within  the framework of crisis management according to HR management are identified, for example: formation of a strong HR brand as a manifestation of the specificity of personnel and PR policies; application  of social networks in recruitment; formation of  the competencies of HR manager as a strategic business partner and more. The basic personal qualities required for a present-day  HR-manager are given, namely: high moral standards; physical and mental health; internal and external culture, justice, honesty, responsiveness, optimism, care, benevolence. The main requirements for the personal qualities of the HR manager are presented and characterized, such as: honest work and job satisfaction; establishing strong and favorable relationships with employees. The complex of functions to be performed by a specialist in HR-management is revealed, namely: investigation  of the labor market tendencies, keeping  the company manager informed about the personnel situation in the market, monitoring the average level of salaries by the target industry and profession; analysis of work performed in the field of activity and preparation of reporting documents; development of local normative acts, regulations, instructions aimed at the description, systematization and clear regulation of the personnel management processes of the organization; creation of a multifunctional system of work motivation, etc. The list of HR indicators in such areas as: organizational efficiency, bonuses and privileges, efficiency of recruiting and adaptation of personnel, training and personnel development are given and the requirements for HR indicators are defined and described. The most probable trends that will be characteristic of changes in HR management are considered, namely. It is predicted that : the internal HR system will decrease and outsourcing will increase; strategic thinking will become a core internal competence of HR; the pendulum is likely to be directed towards  a specialist (the general management will disappear); HR will look more like marketing.


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How to Cite

Shvets, G. (2019). Modern tendencies of development of HR-management at domestic enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 174–181.


