Analysis and rationale of management decisions in the field of economic security in the conditions of environmental transformation of agrarian enterprises


  • Olena Usуkova Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine



economic security, environmental problem, ecological transformation, management decisions, agricultural enterprises.


Always information on population, nature management and technogenic influence is represented by artificial ranges. Usually administrative and territorial division is used for this purpose at the national and regional level. At the present stage, the economic situation makes it possible to direct funds to solve only the primary problems. In fact, some kind of social reaction can only be expected on emergency situations of a national or regional scale. In fact, some kind of social reaction can only be expected on emergency situations of a national or regional scale. This practice requires not only the general characterization of a particular environmental problem, but also the assessment of its degree of danger to society.

The role of research in this process is to develop and provide a scientific basis for making managerial decisions in the field of economic security in the face of negative environmental impacts.

Problems of methodological and technological nature related to the collection, processing, analysis, and systematization of information, as well as territorial justification of decisions in the field of economic security in the context of environmental threats, are associated with heterogeneous spatial information.

GIS simulation of economic security in the context of environmental threats is based on the recipient approach to the functional blocks of the system in accordance with the current state of economic use of systems

An example of a scientific and practical substantiation of managerial decisions regarding environmental factors in the formation of economic security at the state level was the development of an automated Government information and analytical system for emergency situations (UIAS NA) based on the departmental principle. It is based on a systematic approach to the interaction of natural, economic, social and technical systems with the display of information in the form of geographic information systems and their transformation into relevant expert systems.


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How to Cite

Usуkova O. (2019). Analysis and rationale of management decisions in the field of economic security in the conditions of environmental transformation of agrarian enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (37), 200–205.


