Khadzhynova O. V. Mechanism of contractor relationship management: structural basis and behavioral aspects


  • Елена Викторовна Хаджинова ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь, Ukraine



contractor relationships, management mechanism, the interaction of contractors, contractual relationship, the structure


The improving of the mechanism of relationship management with contractors is aimed at ensuring the greatest possible efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. Its reconfiguration is carried out in case of structural changes in  marketing environment and displays a high level of uncertainty in the interaction with contractors (their behavior), which leads to unacceptable loss of economic benefits and costs of additional time and resources. This is the definition of structural and behavioral prerequisites for building and reconfiguration of such a management tool for industrial enterprises that to this article is devoted to.

The article deals with the specifics of relationships and structure of contractual relations with contractors, where the level of behavioral uncertainty is very important. The quality control is characterized by the ability of companies to reduce uncertainty. The key methods of analysis and decision-making mechanism of relationship management contractors are methods of risk analysis and strategies development to respond to them. Such analyses are determined to prepare options for interaction counterparties and scenario analysis of selected elements influence  on the effectiveness of their relationship, which shows the feasibility of the choice of one or another variant.

The article prives that the criterion for the choice of interaction forms and contractual relationships with counterparties should be considered as a minimum of transaction costs at reasonable positions on condition of reaching a compromise in conflict situations.


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How to Cite

Хаджинова, Е. В. (2014). Khadzhynova O. V. Mechanism of contractor relationship management: structural basis and behavioral aspects. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 84–90.