Shcherbinina S. Reas of increasing of energy efficiency of residential construction.


  • Світлана Адамівна Щербініна Полтавський національний технічний університет імені Юрія Кондратюка м. Полтава, Ukraine



energy efficient building, energy certification, classification of buildings for energy efficiency, energy efficiency measures of residential buildings


The requirements for energy efficiency of residential construction in accordance with the regulations in the energy efficiency of residential buldings are investigated. The stages of development of Ukrainian regulations, despite the need to bring them into conformity with the requirements of the European countries, are presented. The possibilities of providing energy certification of buildings and the classification of buildings for energy efficiency are considered. It is noted that  buildings that are being designed need the level not lower than "C".

The measures to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings that can be implemented in two directions  are deterrmined first, building energy-saving engineering equipment, systems, and elements of the building envelope, providing an opportunity of economical use of energy resources; secondly, maintenance of residential buildings and engineering equipment to achieve high performance of energy efficiency, energy regulation, energy monitoring.

The sources of funding for energy efficiency of residential buildings and economic instruments to encourage the development and implementation of energy saving technologies are studied. It is noted that choosing the best option of energy efficiency of residential buildings should take into account the value of investments, reliability, maintenance mode and the equipment.


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How to Cite

Щербініна, С. А. (2014). Shcherbinina S. Reas of increasing of energy efficiency of residential construction. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 117–121.