Mamatova L.S., Buts A.N., Diagnosis of the investment potential of the enterprise


  • Лейла Шамільевна Маматова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine
  • Анастасія Миколаївна Буц ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



investment attractiveness, investment potential of the company, the investment attractiveness of diagnosis, integral index, complex technique


The article discusses the need to create a favorable climate for enterprise to implement an independent investment and to attract investment from outside. Common features, stages of implementation and analysis of the investment climate, are presented

The play areas of investment activity in the contemporary economy play a greate role in the management of real investment in the investment attractiveness of an enterprise. An enterprise requires constant attention regarding the investment management, as investment activity and economic growth of enterprises are interdependent processes. The overall structure of the company’s investment dependens to a certain extent on the real investment and portfolio investment. In turn,  the structure of investments forms  financial position and efficiency of these investments. That is, it means that the share of investments, mainly in effective projects, must result in maximum benefits, in turn, the investment risk - to minimize costs. The first step in the implementation of the investment project is its economic justification, that is, the determination of its investment attractiveness for the enterprise. The methods of determining the investment potential, taking into account the methodologies developed by a group  "Invest-Diagnostics", are considered

Thus, every business is influenced by market conditions, which may be favorable or not. But every company should independently determine the direction of investment activity and have at their disposal sufficient reserves to carry out investment decisions.


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How to Cite

Маматова, Л. Ш., & Буц, А. М. (2014). Mamatova L.S., Buts A.N., Diagnosis of the investment potential of the enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 122–127.