Bohdanov S., Kotko D., Mashyn V.The comparative analysis of the administrative management principles effect on the activities of legislative body of Ukraine and the United States of America.


  • Сергій Миколайович Богданов ДВНЗ «Запорізький Національний Університет» м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine
  • Дар’я Володимирівна Котко ДВНЗ «Запорізький Національний Університет» м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine
  • Владислав Вадимович Машин ДВНЗ «Запорізький Національний Університет» м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



government, management, planning, organisation, parliament, delegation, coordination, monitoring.


The article presents the elements of administrative management, proposed by the founder of the classical school of management Henri Fayol. Recent researches and publications of domestic and foreign researchers who were involved in the study of these aspects have been analyzed. The influence of the administrative management principles on  the organization and activity of the legislative branch of government by the example of the two countries' parliaments - Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Congress of the United States of America has been comparatively analyzed. The implementation features of the principles of administrative management - planning, organization, government (delegation), coordination and monitoring - in state bodies of legislative power have also been investigated. The effectiveness of the application of these principles of administrative management in the activities of deputies meetings ofUkraineand theUnited States of Americahas been analyzed. The significant risks arising from ignoring the application  elements of control from the administrative management in the activity of the legislative branch of the government in  two countries have been identified. According to the research  the significant influence exerted by the elements of control from the administrative management on the effectiveness of the legislative body activity has been identified.


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  2. Конституція України: Верховна Рада України; Конституція, Закон від 28.06.1996 № 254к/96-ВР [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:к/96-вр
  3. Офіційний сайт Верховної Ради України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  4. Про Регламент Верховної Ради України: Верховна Рада України; Закон України від 09.03.2010 № 1952-VI [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  5. Strategic Planning [Електроннийресурс]: Congressional Management Foundation. – Режимдоступу:
  6. Organizational Structure of Congress [Електроннийресурс]: Union County College Faculty. – Режимдоступу:
  7. The doctrine of nondelegation [Електроннийресурс]: Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. – Режимдоступу:
  8. Separation of powers – delegation of legislative power [Електроннийресурс]: National Conference of State Legislatures. – Режимдоступу:
  9. Delegation of powers [Електроннийресурс]: Encyclopaedia Britannica. – Режимдоступу:



How to Cite

Богданов, С. М., Котко, Д. В., & Машин, В. В. (2014). Bohdanov S., Kotko D., Mashyn V.The comparative analysis of the administrative management principles effect on the activities of legislative body of Ukraine and the United States of America. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 140–148.