Rovenska V., FedichevaV.Application of statistical estimation at the calculation ofpersonnel management efficiency


  • Вікторія Вячеславівна Ровенська Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, м. Краматорськ, Ukraine
  • Вероніка Вадимівна Федічева Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, м. Краматорськ, Ukraine



personnel motivation, qualification, labor productivity, out-turn, fluidity coefficient, cross-correlation regressive model


The problems of ineffective personnel management and the role of statistical estimation at the calculation of management efficiency are studied. The basic indexes of personnel management efficiency are considered, their systematization is conducted. The statistical estimation of the indexes of personnel management efficiency on the example of public joint-stock company «EMSS» is executed. The dependence between the average annual out-turn and fluidity coefficient is constructed. The changes of realized product volume as a result of the changes of average annual quantity and out-turn are counted. The conclusions in relation to expedience of the use of statistical researches at management efficiency estimation are drawn.  Analysis and evaluation of human resource management is a necessary stage in the preparation of solutions to improve the personnel management system. The system of private indicators of the personnel management efficiency to construct a regression model should be formed. In the most general form the purpose of statistics in the study of the factors relationship in the control system is to quantify the presence and direction of these factors, as well as to characterize the power and influence of some factors on the others. To solve it can be used two groups of methods, one of which includes methods of correlation analysis and the other - regression analysis. It allows to measure the closeness of the connection between the features, identify unknown causes of the relationships and assess the factors that have the greatest impact on the result indicator, set the forms of dependence, define the functions of regression, use the equation for the estimation of unknown values of the dependent variable.


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How to Cite

Ровенська, В. В., & Федічева, В. В. (2014). Rovenska V., FedichevaV.Application of statistical estimation at the calculation ofpersonnel management efficiency. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 176–181.