Vasylyeva T., Tsyhanyuk D. Effectiveness of monetary regulation of inflation in European Union.
monetary policy, inflation, euro area, central bank, interest rate policy, refinancingAbstract
Authors analyzed the effectiveness of monetary regulation of inflation in Europe. Analysis of the objectives of monetary policy in Ukraine testified priority of ensuring stability of the exchange rate in comparison with other purposes. Since the introduction of Ukrainian hryvnia monetary policy was aimed at ensuring the stability of its rate. As the observance of low and stable inflation is an essential Maastricht criteria countries of the European Union were chosen as the basis for retrospective analysis of monetary inflation regulation. The dynamics of inflation in 1999-2014 and the practice of using the basic monetary tools in the EU were analyzed. These tools are key interest rates of the central bank, open market operations and banks’ refinancing. The volumes and rates for refinancing loans in the European Union, the impact of official interest rates on credit and deposit rates were studied. It was empirically confirmed that the interest rate policy of the central banks has a decisive influence on price stability in developed European countries. The reasons of low efficiency of monetary policy for inflation regulation in Ukraine are found. These reasons are high dollarization of domestic economy, huge shadow economy, high speculative demand for foreign exchange resources and limited resource capabilities of the NBUReferences
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- Statistical Data Warehouse [Електронний ресурс] // European central Bank. – 2014. – Режим доступу до ресурсу:
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