Melnichenko G. Investment as a tool for greening regional development


  • Григорій Миколайович Мельниченко Черкаський державний технологічний університет, м. Черкаси, Ukraine



environment, investment, region, environmental protection, investment climate.


Problems of environmental activities in each region should be solved on the basis of national objectives and taking into account the peculiarities of the environment. In order to ensure sustainable use of nature regional environmental policy should be aimed at formation of the resource and financial potential in every region to solve the major problems of socio-economic development and environmental activities. The article deals with the problems and peculiarities of investing in environmental activities inUkraine, the differences and identiiesy concepts of "investment climate territory" and "investment attractiveness of the territory and the region." The basic conditions of environmental policy for investors are determined. The investment policy objectives of the region are formulated. It is the policy control of environmental impact and environmentally sustainable development is necessary for mitigation projects that involve the creation of new infrastructure. Mechanism formation problems of the regional policy of sustainable environmental management in modern conditions require environmental funding activities, at the regional and local levels and create favorable conditions to increase investment activity and investment resources. Development of initial investment policy options concerning environmental protection and further investment in this area is an interactive process, which is subject to adjustments based on the proposed results. In order to get a complete picture of the benefits of environmental investments, ecosystem restoration as a process must be integrated into the overall system planning and socio-economic development. The idea of investment in Environmental protection activities consistent with the economic interests of all natural potential users. Economic criteria in solving environmental protection tasks should primarily be based on the best implementation of nature conservation programs allowing to invest bunds in improving the environment


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How to Cite

Мельниченко, Г. М. (2014). Melnichenko G. Investment as a tool for greening regional development. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 214–219.