Parshina Margaret. Determination of Ukraine regions type by the products indices


  • Маргарита Юріївна Паршина Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Придніпровськадержавна академіябудівництва таархітектури» м. Дніпропетровськ, Ukraine



region type, researchesmethod, productsvolume, gross valueadded, regionsclasses


Efficiency of strategic decision making at the state level depends on scientifically grounded regional policy. Important stage at the complex forming of tactical and strategic decisions and also at regional policy development is the region typeforming.

The researches method with determination ofUkraineregions typehas been developed. Informative databases have been formed. АВС-analysis, Pareto principle and matrix method by the regions classes forming have been used. The indices of  industrial and agriculture products as the basic criteria have been accepted. Three classes: class A (products volume to 80 %), class B (next 10 % of products volume) and class С (last 10% products volume) have been formed. Regional potential efficiency has been taken into account during researches. Two matrices «Volumes of the realized industrial products – Volumes of agricultureproducts» and «Volumes of the realized industrial products – Gross value added» as the results of conducted researches have been given. An unevenness has been proved to be the efficiency index of the potential use of some Ukrainian regions.

The results of the conducted researches allowed to select the following four types of regions: regions with high level of industrial and agriculture products; regions with the dominant industrial products; regions with the dominant agricultural products and mixed type regions.

The basis of regional policy forming  have been formed by four region types.


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How to Cite

Паршина, М. Ю. (2014). Parshina Margaret. Determination of Ukraine regions type by the products indices. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 220–226.