Kosareva Tatiana. Logistics strategies of an agri-food sector


  • Тетяна Вікторівна Косарева Національнийуніверситетхарчовихтехнологійм.Київ, Ukraine




agroindustrial complex, logistics, logistics strategy, competitiveness


The use of logistics agri-food complex strategies in order to ensure their competitiveness in today's business environment by enterprisers has been considered.   

As evidenced by the study, enterprises agricultural complex logistics system of enterprise is not organized as applied in fragments, is characterized by low efficiency, due to objective circumstances. The main reason is a lack of under standing by officials of weight to use tools of logistics to ensure competitive advantage in the market.

Logistics department, and therefore the relevant personnel who can design and implement logistics strategy, provided vertically integrated structures (agricultural holdings) and individual businesses medium-sized businesses. Such enterprises, even in the absence of self-developed logistics strategy used its classical version.

Different ways of implementing the selected of given logistics agri-food sector. Manufacturers (in order to preserve their own market positions) are forced to react quickly to rapidly changing political and economic inherent in modern economic conditions. Enterprises can consider using the new logistics strategy (taking into account the time factor); partially or completely abandon the chosen logistics strategy (eg, failure of outsourcing). In addition, on the basic ofon the current sourcing companies can consider various options for changes to the previously selected ways of implementing logistics strategy.

The author's vision ofsolving this problemis to developways to implement theadaptiveenterpriselogisticsstrategies. Future plans considerefficiency options for adaptive ways of implement in glogistics strategies for different companies an agri-foodsector.


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How to Cite

Косарева, Т. В. (2014). Kosareva Tatiana. Logistics strategies of an agri-food sector. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 234–241. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.28.2014.42580