Shaulckaya L. Implementation of the Concept of decent work on the basis of ensuring competitiveness of human capital assets


  • Л. В. Шаульська Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



decent work, Concept of decent work, human capital, competitiveness


Article is devoted to problems of ensuring decent work on the basis of growth of human capital competitiveness. The main characteristics of the Concept of decent work are generalized. The model of providing prerequisites of implementation of the Concept of decent work due to growth of competitiveness of assets of the human capital is developed. Actions for realization of this task in the conditions of an unstable situation in the country are offered. The need for the formulation and implementation at all levels of balanced and modern personnel policy that focused on the principles of decent work. Certain types of personnel policy of the company, as the search, selection, recruitment, its assessment provide the enterprise human capital formation through the involvement of employees with a certain level of education, health, knowledge, skills and more. Education, training and rotation system of  personnel policy should contribute to the accumulation of human capital necessary enterprise that has a competitive advantage. Modern personnel policy, based on the principles of decent work has enriched challenge of rising competitiveness of human capital. The benefits from its implementation will be substantial for the working population, which is the bearer of human capital and for legal entities, which is its "user." In this task, all participants are interested industrial relations.


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How to Cite

Шаульська, Л. В. (2014). Shaulckaya L. Implementation of the Concept of decent work on the basis of ensuring competitiveness of human capital assets. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 278–283.