Bogdanov S.M., Overchenko A.I. The increasing efficiency of freight terminals as a factor of transportation system optimization


  • С. М. Богданов Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine
  • А. І. Оверченко Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



Logistic services, transportation system, terminal transportation, terminal, terminal system


The article presents theoretical foundations of transportation and its relation to logistics. The article tells about role of terminal systems in up-to-date functioning of enterprises and especially of those enterprises that are concerned with the transportation of production. This work defines the essence of terminal transportation as a factor of increasing efficiency of transportation system. There are outlined logistic services of terminals and the main types of them in Ukraine. Taking into account the importance of implantation of effective ways of transportation in activity of major national enterprises, there is described the present-day position of terminal systems in Ukraine and accordingly the problems that they can collide with. Also the examples of successful foreign companies are considered, which experience, methods and knowledge could be the way of increasing efficiency of freight terminals functioning in Ukraine. To improve the terminal’s work there are suggested the ways of their optimization. The detail analysis induces to make a conclusion that the implementation of the set of criterions or requirements for terminal’s work is expedient for Ukrainian freight terminals. Accordingly there is worked out and suggested the set of requirement for the terminals in this article. It can be conditionally called TQE that means technology sophistication, service quality and allocative efficiency.


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How to Cite

Богданов, С. М., & Оверченко, А. І. (2014). Bogdanov S.M., Overchenko A.I. The increasing efficiency of freight terminals as a factor of transportation system optimization. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (28), 303–307.