Tolpezhnikova T. Features of marketing of foreign economic activity and ways to improve it.


  • Т. Г. Толпежнікова Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



marketing, foreign economic activities, marketing mix, management of marketing activity


There were considered and analyzed the distinctive features of marketing in foreign economic activity in the current economic conditions in the article. These peculiarities of marketing of foreign economic activity as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. The above step of standardization of international marketing mix, based on international experience. It is noted that in most cases at the domestic enterprises marketing boils down to the usual sales. It was noted that marketing management requires a change because of the fact that the mobilization of market mechanisms in the production sector of the enterprise is far ahead of the intensity of the introduction of directly to the production of science and technology. Crucial to the success of marketing activities is the organizational structure of the company's marketing. Occupying a special place in the overall organizational structure, marketing, at the present stage is a leading feature of the enterprise, provides competitive advantages in both domestic market and foreign. A model of gradual improvement of management of marketing activities of the company, which makes serial conversion marketing services businesses


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How to Cite

Толпежнікова, Т. Г. (2015). Tolpezhnikova T. Features of marketing of foreign economic activity and ways to improve it. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 68–72.