Kudyrko L.P. The regulatory component of change in the role of a periphery and semi-periphery countries in the international trade


  • Л. П. Кудирко Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, м.Київ, Ukraine




foreign trade, liberal model, country center, peripherals, new leaders


Regulatory component in achieving effectiveness of countries participating in international trade is investigated. Significant role of foreign economic sector for the economies of the so-called periphery and semi-periphery in view of the possibility of expanding the capacity of the internal market by exports, resource supply of domestic production by importing necessary raw materials and equipment, overcoming the civilizational gaps in consumption and technological development is substantiated. It is found that, the poor development of peripheral societies is not only the result of their archaic structure of the economy, but also is caused by historically formed trade, economic and production relations with developed countries.  It is systematized the results of empirical research on division of integrated states in international trade into countries of center, periphery and semi-periphery with distinguishing key characteristics and indicators of development. It is defined that the differentiation of country groups by the criterion of their integration into the world economic relations allows doubting in position of the liberal regulatory concept of undeniable direct link between liberalization, liberal model of foreign trade and high level of prosperity and competitiveness of the entire group of countries. It is determined that on the background of the prevailing international economic space configuration there is growing tendency of reformatting by strengthening the economic capacity and promoting the role of rapidly progressive network of countries of global periphery. Based on the experience of the groups periphery and semi-periphery economies it is identified the possibilities to overcome their resource dependency and access to new civilizational trajectory by implementing the strategy of leadership. It is ascertained completeness of existing regulatory model of participating countries in international trade and identified prospects of transition to new trajectory, covering a wider range of civilizational values.


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How to Cite

Кудирко, Л. П. (2015). Kudyrko L.P. The regulatory component of change in the role of a periphery and semi-periphery countries in the international trade. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 104–112. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.30.2015.74177