Cherep A.V., Lashkarava V.V. Methodical bases of estimation of efficiency ecologically clean production on enterprises of engineer


  • А. В. Череп Запорізький національний університет, Ukraine



Ecologically clean production, potential, development, strategy, measures, income, ecological innovations, economic analysis of naturally-resource factors, conception of еко-ефективності, upgrading of environment


In the article the analytical review of methodological bases assess the effectiveness of cleaner production in enterprises, defines the main methodological provisions implementing cleaner production brought the need to integrate environmental and natural-resource factors in the decisions taken by the business, and comprehensive assessment of their effectiveness has led to the development of the concept eco-efficiency, defined the concept of eco-efficiency (efficient use of natural resources), examined the importance and dimension parameter MIPS, to determine the consumption of natural resources at the border of the food chain, in place of extracting resources from the natural environment, as well as throughout the environmental life cycle product or service is indicated implementation of the concept of eco-efficiency shows the calculation of the ecological and economic efficiency of production processes, definition of ecological and economic harm, displayed calculation of efficiency of economic activity that is reduced through pollution, considered the environmental component of socially necessary costs, ie costs society caused by the negative impact on the natural component of production and consumption of products, provided the calculation of the total economic loss (damage) of pollution, given the methodology of evaluating the effectiveness of cleaner production in the enterprise, defined costs to prevent environmental and economic damage and costs of liquidation and compensation for the cost of eliminating the consequences of those contaminants, which could not be avoided, shows the level of environmental violations that meets the minimum total environmental costs, the definition of efficiency of environmental measures, the necessity of applying the method of direct regulation and technical and information base for developing appropriate measures


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How to Cite

Череп, А. В. (2015). Cherep A.V., Lashkarava V.V. Methodical bases of estimation of efficiency ecologically clean production on enterprises of engineer. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 133–143.