Lyubchuk O. Personality resource as means of developing entrepreneurship activities in Ukraine


  • О. К. Любчук Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет» м. Маріуполь., Ukraine



small business, business personnel, Business Incubator, concept of training, monitoring, entrepreneurial potential, management potential, readiness, behavioral training


The paper considers the nature and importance of small business for further development of economics in Ukraine. The specific features of developing of small business in Donetsk region before launching ATO (Anti-terrorist operation) are defined. The author analyses the dominating nature of monocentric concentration of small business in Ukraine. Such situation is explained with development of regional centres infrastructure and its insufficient development in the regions. The role of business-incubator set up at higher education institution for training entrepreneurs is described. The author focuses on the importance of conceptual approach to training future entrepreneurs. The main point in the concept is training specialists in Management of Organisations who are able to establish their own company.
Realisation of this concept envisages carrying out psychological monitoring of the entrepreneur potential and development of specialized training programmes. Research of the entrepreneur potential was based on the approach put forward by Natalia Belskaia (Kostuk Institute of Psychology of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine). The analysis of the entrepreneur potential as a collection of personality traits has been performed. Structural components of the entrepreneur potential – professional orientation, intellectual ability, emotional intelligence, communicative skills, business capability, internality – have been described. The author made comparative analysis of entrepreneur and management potentials. Specific features of the above potentials have been defined. Management potential includes orientation towards management activity, creativity, and assertiveness. Entrepreneur potential includes orientation towards entrepreneur activity, ability to achieve goals and business qualities of entrepreneur. Monitoring of entrepreneur potential allowed to highlight 3 groups among the participants: “psychologically prepared”, “potentially prepared”, “not willing”. The necessity of conducting communicative training and training of business qualities of entrepreneur for “potentially prepared” has been identified.


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How to Cite

Любчук, О. К. (2015). Lyubchuk O. Personality resource as means of developing entrepreneurship activities in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 153–160.